Ideas, Ideas, Ideas
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
CGI conference 參加報告
雖然我總是懶得翻譯我的blog,不管是中翻英或英翻中(尤其我的中文老是莫名其妙地、寫寫就會變成很像英文,要是英翻中通常讀起來拗口得要命)但無奈為 了交心得報告,好讓我去美國參加CGI conference的旅費能夠獲得補助,今天花了一天把前兩個裡拜寫的東西翻成中文,在經過修修改改之後成為下面的報告。
2005年國際電腦圖學會議 (Computer Graphics International 2005, CGI) 於六月22至24日在位於美國紐約州的Stony Brook大學召開。本次會議為Stony Brook大學「圖學週」(“Graphics Week”) 活動中的一部份,其餘活動還包括了「2005年國際體積圖學研討會」(International Workshop on Volume Graphics 2005) 及「點繪製圖學座談會」(Point-Based Rendering Symposium 2005),總計為期一週。國際電腦圖學會議(CGI)之議題範圍較其餘二會廣泛,其規模雖不比ACM SIGGRAPH、EUROGRAPHICS等大型會議在同一時刻進行多項議題,與會專家學者卻皆在電腦圖學領域中具有重要影響力:包括Stony Brook大學的Arie Kaufman、日內瓦大學的Nadia-Magnenat-Thalmann與瑞士國家科學院的 Daniel Thalmann、紐約大學的Demetri Terzopoulos、東京大學的西田友是教授等等。
本人於2005年一月份投稿此篇論文︰“Toward Gesture –Based Behavior Authoring”,並於四月份獲悉錄取的消息。此篇論文針對建立虛擬動畫角色之行為提出一新的編輯方式,期望使無程式撰寫能力的一般使用者,也能夠以 簡單的方式(滑鼠軌跡)進行編輯。利用此論文所提出的方法,使用者不需透過程式指令的輸入,而只需以滑鼠在螢幕上拖曳、點選、及繪製符號,即可達成編輯的 工作,產生栩栩如生的三維人物、動物的行為動畫。本人視此篇論文為相關領域中,首次企圖以滑鼠軌跡的方式解決此類問題的作品。過去的主要作品為提供複雜而 強大的程式撰寫工具,其他提出的做法則抑或過度簡單、抑或缺乏了本篇包含的高度互動性。
由於此篇論文的做法於相關領域中無人曾提出,也是本人在跌跌撞撞中、不斷摸索中完成,使得此初探性的作品具有主要兩個極端的特性。首先,許多人(不論是否 在發表會場)在看到程式執行的影片時,皆感到十分有趣,認為這個做法、思考方式相當地新穎而不同。但另一方面,由於提出之概念仍位於初期發展階段,許多人 因而對其實用性抱持保留的態度,不斷針對是否能實際應用於業界或者其他用途加以質疑。以下本人針對第二個特性多所著墨,畢竟此作品的優點、趣味之處可於論 文和影片中得知;而與會學者針對系統的限制與發展方向的討論,相較之下相信對於相關領域的未來發展更具意義。
關於此論文所提出之作法的優缺點,我曾取得許多師長同學的意見,而在本次會議報告後,與會學者提出的問題更讓我掌握其限制及需要改進的部份。這些問題包 括:「我認為你做的並不是一個工具,而是一個遊戲。」;「你的系統應該具備的基本元素( building blocks) 究竟有哪些?基本的功能 (functions) 為何?若要使這個工具的功能更全面,你要如何將這些基本的功能涵蓋的範圍拓展開來?如何使行為模式的模型更全面、使得使用者更能隨心所欲地編輯?」;「使 用者能夠編輯既有的行為嗎?還是他們必須將之前編輯好的行為刪除,在整個從頭編輯一個新的?」;「關於行為的呈現方式,這些行為能夠以類似影片片段序列的 方式呈現嗎?又,若線性的影片序列描述方式太過簡單而不適用於生物的行為模式,而採取以樹狀結構去描述行為,那麼系統應該如何將其呈現於使用者眼前?」
在過去,本人便曾被問及類似的問題,但不論透過自己思考或由他人後提出得知,始終沒有尋得正確答案。有一位先生在我的報告結束之後前來討論相關的問題,他 說:「目前這個系統的生物行為的架構(behavioral structure) 太過簡單,無法達成編輯任意的人類行為的目的。」的確,在發展到具有足夠的一般性及強大的功能之前,此系統無法成為一個真正能被廣泛使用的工具。問題的主 因在於(他與我都十分同意這點),要讓使用者以簡單的方式完成複雜的工作,是一件十分困難的事。當系統內的行為架構更為強大、更能描述一般 (general)的情形時,此般行為的架構便很難透過簡單的方式加以描述、編輯。我們更討論出許多相關的其他問題 :「這些行為應該以何種視覺表示方式呈現在螢幕上,才能讓使用者在使用此系統時覺得舒服而不感到害怕?」;「我們應該怎樣做,才能讓使用者保留其控制 權?」卻沒有結論。
這句簡單的話:「如何以容易的方式達成複雜的工作? 」歸納了上述所有的問題,也是End-User-Programming (一般使用者的程式編輯) 領域長久以來企圖解開的謎題。學者們相信這個問題的解答若能越快尋得,人們便可以越快以截然不同的方式使用電腦。由於體認此研究方向的重要性,「在考慮這 個問題時,」我向這位先生強調,「我認為最重要的是界面,或者應該說人與電腦互動的方式,必須堅守『簡單』原則(“Stay Simple!”),而不應依工作內容越趨複雜。」雖然正是因為這樣的原則,使在完成這篇論文之後苦尋不得接下來明確的發展方向,我仍認為這樣的信念正確 無誤。
我對自己願意花時間、不斷探究這個不少人在討論不出結果後便作罷的題目的情形感到驕傲。或許這是當學生的特權︰能夠花費很長的時間探究特定的題目但無所斬 獲,畢竟老師們都有發表、升等的壓力。而我也相信謎團解開的時刻在不久的未來便會來臨。基於對上述問題的此般解讀:「人之所以無法以簡單的方式利用電腦達 成複雜的任務,是因為有許多事情電腦並不了解;若電腦能夠了解許多我們所知道的事情,那麼人和電腦溝通的過程就可以像人與人溝通的過程一樣,省略很多雙方 都已經知道的細節、背景知識」,麻省理工學院的多媒體實驗室(The MIT Media Laboratory)迄今進行了四年的「常識計算」的研究,企圖讓電腦能夠擁有對人們而言那些再理所當然不過的事情—常識。我認為常識計算企圖解決的是 「一般使用者的程式編輯」這個領域中相當大的一個問題,但本次會議中的發問更讓我 意識到許多自己的盲點。編輯的方式、呈現的方法,都需要再進行更深入的探究。
值得一提的是,數位的魚(Digital Fish)這家公司的創辦人(同時也是執行長)丹.赫門先生(Mr. Dan Herman)也在會中和我交換了許多意見。他正在找尋的,和我企圖達成的目標完全一致︰一個簡單、好用、能讓一般使用者也能編輯三維虛擬角色的行為的編 輯工具。遇見他讓我萬分欣喜,因為在我的周遭沒有人就此問題和我有同樣的看法,或認為此類動畫編輯工具如此重要、存在一定程度的需求。他的出現也鼓勵了 我,不需要永遠跟著別人的腳步、去決定什麼才是重要的研究方向,也暗示說不定在未來,我在這個領域真的將有所斬獲。
最後,在這次會議中,我也遇到了在台灣科技大學資訊管理研究所任教的楊傳凱教授,並且也花了不少時間,聊了關於研究、教學、學術生涯等各方面的話題。楊教 授過去也曾是歐陽明教授的學生,近幾年間也常來擔任資訊所的口試委員,對彼此的了解因而使我們的交談能觸及較深入的話題。我很高興能夠認識在組上三位教授 之外的、這位在台灣進行電腦圖學研究的學者,因為雖然背景十分接近,他的想法、思考脈絡和其他我所認識的教授卻相去甚遠。在我們聊到生涯規劃的話題時,他 告訴我過去在美國時指導教授告訴他的、判斷一個人究竟適不適合走學術路線的方法:「那要看你能不能忍受孤獨。」他說在研究生涯的初期,必定有一段孤獨的日 子是研究者必須渡過的。能不能自己一個人工作,對一個人能適應學術研究的生活與否,具有重大的影響。這句話對我來說意義甚鉅,我想也是此行最重要的收穫之 一。
Thursday, July 21, 2005
夏天 & 蟬鳴
夏天 & 蟬鳴
以前只要到了夏天,整個暑假在營地都會不斷聽到成雷的蟬叫聲,只要聽到蟬叫就不會再覺得悶熱難耐,反而輕鬆了許多。對我們來說,蟬叫聲和海浪、營火、大夥 一起驅車四處玩耍一樣,是夏天的代名詞,有蟬叫的天,才能算是夏天,只是蟬叫聲通常被當成背景,而不是主角罷了。年紀逐漸大了,玩耍的時間少了,聽到蟬叫 的時間也在不知不覺中不斷銳減,上禮拜的某一天,居然不知道為什麼突然很想聽到蟬鳴聲。像突然口很渴、很想喝水一樣。
今天,下午從實驗室走出來的時候,無意間發現系館前面的樹上蟬叫得好響。我從樹下走過、仔細瞧了瞧,雖然沒看到它,它倒是放慢了叫聲,像是也在看我一樣。 想想其實值得慶幸,在大多數人只能在冷硬的水泥叢林裡穿梭的同時,我只要走兩步路就能享受蟬鳴鳥叫(台大還有一大堆松鼠)。雖然我並不會一輩子待在學校 裡,但是也許多次出入這個能自由呼吸的地方,是很有可能發生的事。畢竟和很多我的同伴一樣,不耐於老是待在高樓大廈這樣的、難以喘息的環境。
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Great Book

通往未來的過去- 與十八世紀接軌的一座新橋 (English Version: Buliding A Bridge to the Eighteen Century)
第 五章<資訊> 寫的是十八世紀以降,"資訊"這個概念的發展。資訊起初是必須是完整的、和故事有所連結的、和社會、政治環境相關的;在印刷普及、識字率提高、學校廣設之 後,學習變成了讀書的同義詞,然而資訊本身仍不具有價值,必須與特定主題相連,而無特定目的一位蒐集資訊的人是學者嘲笑的對象。到了電報和攝影出現之後, 資訊的意義被重新定位,脫離特定主題的、解構的資訊才被賦予意義。
十 九世紀的學者們最關心的問題是如何大量、快速地傳遞資訊;而他們所解決的問題卻帶來了今天更大的問題 -- 資訊爆炸&過剩 。我覺得很有趣的是作者提出的關於報紙的觀點。他認為報紙必須持續存在、且相較過去而言應肩負不同的任務 -- 傳遞知識甚至智慧,而非傳遞資訊。他解釋了資訊、知識、與智慧三者的不同,說明報紙呈現給人們的不該只是發生了什麼事,還該提出問題,並且清楚應該問什麼 問題、應該問誰這些問題。讓我印象深刻的話是: "在戰爭的議題上,我認為武器系統專家是最不該被採訪的。";"沒有訪問藝術家、歷史學家、小說家、神學家、老師、醫生。戰爭只是軍事專家的事情嗎?他們 對於戰爭的看法,是平民百姓唯一需要知道的觀點嗎?"我對作者就報紙抱持的願景多所認同,也很好奇能否對提升報紙的知識、智慧水準盡ㄧ份心力。好歹,我也 是個computer science researcher :P。
第三章<科技>寫的則是很多對科技的質疑。他說,人們自從學會"如何"發明之後,"為何"發明這個問題便變得不太重要了。作者問了很多簡短有力的問題: "科技解決了什麼問題?" "解決了誰的問題?" "哪些人、哪些機智可能因科技受傷最重?"我想這些也是身為科技發展的推手的一份子,必須了解的重要issues。
總之,推薦所有關心人類、關心社會、(或者只是關心我的人:P) 來看這本書。
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Peer Production & Consulting Business
六月20號的BusinessWeek封面的title是這樣的:"The power of us - mass collaboration on THE INTERNET is shaking up business",其中提了許多關於在未來的technology或business等方面的趨勢。
其中一個重要的概念是peer production。 很多公司現在在網路上尋找能幫他們解決問題的人,透過網際網路、和這些有能力解決問題的人建立連結,能夠有效地解決各式各樣的問題,於是精簡公司的人力組織。Procter & Gamble 公司(就是有名的做清潔用品的P&G)三年前有20%的新產品是透過這種方式研發而成的,目前則有35%,看樣子還會再增加。
昨天從Brian那邊知道了 InnoCentive 這家有意思的公司,這是一個讓problem proposer跟problem solver找到彼此的平台。目前InnoCentive好像只focus在biology和chemistry兩個主要的field (害我失望了一下,原本還以為會有computer science相關的)。想找解決問題的人的公司只要在上面把"懸賞"的問題丟出來,不論是consulting company、學校、研究人員、或者甚至學生,就可以挑他們拿手的問題來解決,然後得到報酬。
其實逛了逛InnoCentive,覺得這樣的consulting business模式對我來講,好像是再適合不過的工作方式了。我喜歡case-based的工作模式,每次都可以面對不同的人、不同的挑戰。在這樣的consulting工作環境裡,每天要做的就是動動腦,想新鮮的點子幫人解決問題,然後動手做個prototype,實在挺有意思。讓我想到小葉學長也和我聊過的「雲遊四處的問題解決專家」,或許這樣的工作模式真的行的通也說不定。
BusinessWeek裡有句話我覺得非常值得quote:"More than two centuries ago, James Watt's steam engine ushered in the Industrial Revolution, centralizing the means of production in huge, powerful corporations that had the capital to achieve economies of scale. Now cheap computers and new social software and services - along with the Internet's ubiquitous communications that make it easy to pool those capital investments - are starting to give production power back to the people. Says Benkler: 'This departs radically from everything we've seen since the Industrial Revolution.'"
Friday, July 15, 2005
早上教了兩個鐘頭的training course,上了關於computer graphics基本的東西。
其實也許不該說是“教“,反而是“提出來討論“,因為準備得一點也不充分。最諷刺的是,我一直問大家有沒有問題,大部分提出來的問題我卻又回答不了。一問 三不知。結束的時候大家還鼓掌,讓我羞愧的想挖個地洞鑽進去(當然現在最重要的不是在這裡呻吟or懺悔,而該是把那些問題的答案找到,然後盡快寄給大家, 但是我還是忍不住..)
想到昨晚彈吉他到後來,發現我的手也幾乎算是殘廢了(因為現在一年彈不到幾次)這種感覺不斷出現實在讓人鬱卒。想想自己明明還是個學生,過去那種、被新知 識技能的養分灌得飽飽的感覺,現在卻離我好遠好遠。很怪,只覺得每天有處理不完的瑣事雜務,同時任憑身體裡面的 power不斷地流失;吸收、鍛鍊、累積、創造成就的過程,在不知不覺中荒廢。
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Exploring Automated Video Editing
The report presents an investigation into the practicability of automated editing techniques for personal/home video aided by possible knowledge bases. The ultimate goal of this report is to find the solutions to the unresolved problems of automated video editing tool, such that users can still get satisfying resulted video without the burden of cumbersome editing processes. A system design for such a tool is proposed based on a survey of related literature, and suggestions as well as questions are discussed in this report.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Blog (部落格,或網誌),一股延燒的熱潮,自2005 年初起迅速蔓延,成為今年上半年最熱門的議題。樂多日誌、天空部落、無名小站、MSN 的MSN Spaces、以及Hinet 所推出的Xuite 等國內各大blog 站台,皆湧入了全台各地的使用者。這些寫手(亦稱網誌人、部落客,blogger)大量地以書寫、照片張貼等方式,記錄生活點滴、對特定議題發表評論、並 透過意見的交換而凝聚出不同的社群。本研究係針對「使用者公開呈現個人生活細節」的現象,以訪談的方式進行探索,並就blog 對於寫手及其書寫行為所具之意義與影響加以討論。
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Keep the Faith
Drake: "呵…剛進太極時,覺得有點遺憾,因為沒能有你一同走進太極的大門。不過讓人遺憾的事,永遠與讓人興奮的事一樣地多,也就沒什麼好只看著事情的一面,而去忽略了另一美好面了。每當有人問我,為什麼進太極時,這個問題總是讓我回答得不甚滿意,尤其是與「為什麼當初成立 Brilliance Studio 寫 Game」比起來更甚之。對你終究是推手之一,所以呀,你一定要在 MIT Media Lab 挖出寶貴的思考行徑與人脈,這無形中,讓未來的合作機會更加地有可能與有趣極了,你說是吧 ^>^ "
The only thing that we can do, is to believe, and is Bon Jovi's "Keep the faith"。相信夢想不會因為時間長了而模糊,也相信熱情和勇氣不會因為年紀老了而退卻,才不會走丟了,才不會讓自己忘記自己是誰。We will make it happen, whatever it was to be and will be.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
平面思考 v.s.線性思考
我不會認為這樣的過程是「想」,而是「感覺」。我不會想到因為這樣這樣,所以那樣那樣,所以你想睡覺或者你等一下就回來──沒那麼多邏輯推理的步驟。這些反而都是靠我對整個綜合起來的context感覺得知。我認為大部分的狀況下,人們的互動過程都是透過這樣的感覺去進行對彼此的相互理解──我們對事物的理解是平面的 ,而不是線性的。我比較喜歡用「平面」而非「平行」去形容我們理解事物的方式,是因為這件事可以用描繪一張圖像的例子來說明。電腦,或者所有類似的computing device,都像傳真機一樣,一行一行地把一張圖的樣子慢慢繪出;然而人們描繪一張圖的樣子絕對是透過完全不同的方式,一定是先有某一部分,再加入某一部份,漸漸漸漸地建構出整張圖的樣子,不管是風景畫,人像畫,或各種不同的圖像,都是原本模糊的整體,漸趨明朗。
也許電腦視覺、人工智慧、自然語言處理......這些模仿人們了解週遭世界的電腦科學,必須在根本的地方進行革命,才有可能接近人性、甚或了解人性。畢竟線性處理,是所有電腦科技的基本運算方式。我不懂computational theory,也不知道GPU有多大的平行處理的能耐,所以沒那個說大話的本領,無法掀起另一次的數位/資訊革命,但是我某種程度上相信,今天的computer vision之所以還停留在辨識primitive shapes的stage,是因為fundementally, there are some problems, and nothing impressive will ever be achieved before the fundemental problems are solved。若能解決根本的問題,才能達到我所說的「平面思考」,讓電腦能夠和我們一樣:
Friday, July 01, 2005
Thoughts on CGI conference
People have been really challenging me in the same way, "I think you're not making a tool. You're making a game", "What are the fundemental, building blocks of the functions such systems should possess? How would you broaden such functionality, and broaden the behaviors that the users can edit?", "Can the users edit the existing behaviors? Or they have to delete the previous one and recreate it all-over again?" "Can the behaviors be represented like video strips? If it would be better to represent the behaviors in tree structures instead of linear representations, such as video strips, whose power of expressiveness is over-simplified, what would be the ideal solution for this problem?"
These have always been the questions people are asking be about, but I've never found the correct answers by this time - even those proposed by others. Someone came to me after my presentation and talked about these problems with me. He and I both agree that it's definitely not a simple task - honestly, a delimma - to allow users to achieve complex task in a simple way. "The current behavioral structure is relatively too simple for users to make up humans' arbitrary behaviors," he said. Indeed, my proposed work would never be really practical untill it becomes powerful enough and generalized enough. But the problem is, once we make the model complex, how are people gonna do the manipulations in an easy way? How should we visualize the representation such that people will feel comfortable - but not scary? How can we reserve their controlability over it?
We made no conclusions. Afterall, no one ever gives clear conclusions yet. The delimma is basically the major problem that the whole End-User-Programming area wants to solve - "to make hard things easily achievable". I think it is important to find a way out that the sooner the solution is found, the sooner how users can deal with computers can be different, and all computer users will be benefited. I made it clear that to me it is important to have the interface "stay simple". Although it has been keeping me I trapped and making no progress, I believe the insistence is undoubtedly correct.
So I'm proud of myself that I'm facing something people have turned their faces away from. And I'm actually pretty confident that the solution is not so far, after reviewing a huge portion of the commonsense computing work done by the Media Lab, MIT. Because of the deep belief, "Human-Computer communication cannot be simple for complex task because there are so many things that computers don't understand; once computers know all that we know about, we can communicate with them easily," they have done so much work on making computers even closer to how we humans think, and their beginning stage on applying commonsense seem to be successful. For now, I wouldn't say that novice-edited behaviors that are finite-state-machine-complete is impossible, now that Hugo Liu can already turn natural language descriptions into python.
The founder and executive of the company, "digital fish" also came and talked to me after the presentation. He is searching for exactly the same solution as mine - making a behavior-authoring tool that is really easy for novices. As I talked about the possibilty to him, I felt so glad that someone seems to be really caring about what I care in the research area. It seems that I am starting to be a researcher and people will discuss about my research, rather than that we always have to follow people else's footsteps.
Social Sense Computing
I chatted with wan-rong about intelligent home appliances this afternoon. We talked about such questions, "How do people know that someone is going out?" "How do people know that someone is busy?" The answers to the first question may be, "dressing" "carrying a bag" "carrying the key" "taking a shower" "waring socks" and so on, but none of them are necessary conditions. It is absolutely different when someone is going out for a dinner and going to 7-11 to buy some snacks, and all these ques can either take place or not for the different conditions. The answers to the second question may be "He/She keeps working even though seeming to be tired", "He/She do a lot of things in a hurry," and so on, but it depends heavily on the situation as well.
How is the enviornment gonna be smart? So many researchers have done lots of work on this question, while none of their works have persuaded me that it would be really nice to have all these home appliances in my house. The truth is that, I'd rather use tools with no intelligence at all, and I believe many people have the same feeling too. Why? because there're so many things that "smart" home appliances don't know today. The troubles brought by these smart systems are thus so more than the problems solved. Researchers in various areas have tried to make the systems even closer to how we people think and even feel about things, such as commonsense reasoning and affective computing, but I think there's something important that is still not addressed -- social issues. In order to make these systems truly close to humanity, it is important to the home appliances to apply the knowledge about how people think of, and observe others' behaviors. Such knowledge hasn't been incorporated in commonsense computing and affective computing literature. Affective computing techniques, as in many other AI technologies, are closer to psychological ways of dealing with humans' behaviors, instead of sociological ways. Commonsense, on the other hand, is more on the phenomona of how things generally appear, and is superficial and less specific about humans' interactions. The important rules of how people get together with each other have been missing in to-date AI and context-aware technologies, making the "smart" environment still dumb and hard to get along with.
I would say social sense is like one of the sides of a triangle, and commonsense computing and affective computing are the other two. The three components cooperatively make up the reasoning mechanism that computing devices or environments can apply to understand, and maybe to benefit, people's lives. We agree with the idea that humans' social behaviors have not been applied widely in AI or other fields because it is originally hard to conduct sociological experiments. Unlike most of the psychological experiements, it has to be done with more than one subjects. It thus becomes difficult for computer scientists to come up with an good data collection mechanism for dealing with such knowledge, not to mention knowledge representation and computational models. "But at the same time, this is the very reason why it is so interesting." said wan-rong. I agree with her very much.
Nevertheless, I don't think it is not impracticable at all. Maybe the way of constructing commonsense computing infrastructure is a good example of how we can do for people's social sense - making a website, having people key-in their ideas of how people interact with each other in different social settings, and making up a graph representing all the collected knowledge. It would probably be different from commonsense in many aspects, since the data is more dependent on the situations, but I think it would be pretty similar. It is also more difficult to illlustrate that this idea is correct through applications, since it's more into the real life, and more into the physical space that we live in. But in order to reach the holy grail of making people's lives truly easier with the aim of technologies, I think we should give it a try.