Wednesday, February 22, 2006

AAAI submission

繼上次CHI work-in-progress (那篇被reject了) 和 SIGGRAPH 的 art gallery,今天送出了進Media Lab以來的第一篇full paper submission (AAAI 2006)。雖然我不像Henry那樣有信心:"This is a terrific paper!",看到最後一個版本還是挺得意的。


Wednesday, February 15, 2006


在我心目中 全台灣唯一僅存的偉人 走了


blog 搬家

其實也就是blogger預設的位址 :
新的RSS feed也因此改成了



他今年還沒滿七歲 是梁老師家的小帥哥
I'm posting this simply cuz it's so impressive.
This next generation is gonna be REALLY DIFFERENT


Saturday, February 11, 2006


其實RSS Feed很容易弄嘛
只是我一直告訴自己 我不會我不會
現在會了 想看blog新內容的人就不必一天到晚上來check了

加到 Rss Reader裡就行了


Monday, February 06, 2006

Collecting personal commonsense data using messenger systems

The problem of collecting commonsense knowledge has been such a puzzle to me ever since I came into the lab. I think it's agreed by reserachers that personal commonsense would be a really useful kind of resource for recommendation system, personalized operating systems as well as applications, and so on. It's just that no one has ever come up with good ideas about collecting this kind of information, because, unlike general commonsense knowledge, only friends/family/related people around the target person can input the knowledge, so it requires a well-designed mechanism to efficiently collect this kind of data.

I was just chatting with one of my friends on line. My nickname was "guitar player+cook+scientist", and she thrown this message to me,"Then I'll be 'photographer+cook+fool-around'". I suddenly found that people tend to chat online about their lives using messenger systems. In other words, messenger systems are often used to exchange personal information between people who know each other (even though not all the time). Therefore, compared to websties or even blogs, where it's more like "Me and the general public", this kind of platform would probably be more suitable for collecting personal information.

Even so, I didn't see any possibiliy of finding a solution for collecting personal data, until the idea of utilizing human computation' power via games came into my mind. I'm not sure if you'd agree with this, but around me, there're always bored people in my buddy list, trying to find others to play games with them. So if we can develop games - good games - on this platform, I bet it would be a fast way of collecting personal commonsense. The problem would then become: how we should design this game to do this job, such that, either symmetric or asymmetric, verification mechanism could be embedded to make sure the data's quality and authenticity.

The first idea came up to me is like this. When a user, A, wants to play a game, the system can find the other person, B, who shares a couple of friends with A, say C, D, and E. Then the game could ask various kinds of questions, not only about C, D, E to get their personal commonsense information, but also other topics to make the game more fun. Questions that are used to collect C, D, or E's personal commonsense could involve different types of media, such as their websites, online blogs, photo albums, etc, to make the game more interesting. For example, it could use one of E's photos and the mechanism of Peekaboo to gather the carried information.

I'm not talking about the specific look or usage of this game. I'm just wondering whether this kinda direction is worth trying. After all, I can't wait to use the personal knowledge base to make applications!!
