Friday, July 01, 2005

Social Sense Computing

I chatted with wan-rong about intelligent home appliances this afternoon. We talked about such questions, "How do people know that someone is going out?" "How do people know that someone is busy?" The answers to the first question may be, "dressing" "carrying a bag" "carrying the key" "taking a shower" "waring socks" and so on, but none of them are necessary conditions. It is absolutely different when someone is going out for a dinner and going to 7-11 to buy some snacks, and all these ques can either take place or not for the different conditions. The answers to the second question may be "He/She keeps working even though seeming to be tired", "He/She do a lot of things in a hurry," and so on, but it depends heavily on the situation as well.

How is the enviornment gonna be smart? So many researchers have done lots of work on this question, while none of their works have persuaded me that it would be really nice to have all these home appliances in my house. The truth is that, I'd rather use tools with no intelligence at all, and I believe many people have the same feeling too. Why? because there're so many things that "smart" home appliances don't know today. The troubles brought by these smart systems are thus so more than the problems solved. Researchers in various areas have tried to make the systems even closer to how we people think and even feel about things, such as commonsense reasoning and affective computing, but I think there's something important that is still not addressed -- social issues. In order to make these systems truly close to humanity, it is important to the home appliances to apply the knowledge about how people think of, and observe others' behaviors. Such knowledge hasn't been incorporated in commonsense computing and affective computing literature. Affective computing techniques, as in many other AI technologies, are closer to psychological ways of dealing with humans' behaviors, instead of sociological ways. Commonsense, on the other hand, is more on the phenomona of how things generally appear, and is superficial and less specific about humans' interactions. The important rules of how people get together with each other have been missing in to-date AI and context-aware technologies, making the "smart" environment still dumb and hard to get along with.

I would say social sense is like one of the sides of a triangle, and commonsense computing and affective computing are the other two. The three components cooperatively make up the reasoning mechanism that computing devices or environments can apply to understand, and maybe to benefit, people's lives. We agree with the idea that humans' social behaviors have not been applied widely in AI or other fields because it is originally hard to conduct sociological experiments. Unlike most of the psychological experiements, it has to be done with more than one subjects. It thus becomes difficult for computer scientists to come up with an good data collection mechanism for dealing with such knowledge, not to mention knowledge representation and computational models. "But at the same time, this is the very reason why it is so interesting." said wan-rong. I agree with her very much.

Nevertheless, I don't think it is not impracticable at all. Maybe the way of constructing commonsense computing infrastructure is a good example of how we can do for people's social sense - making a website, having people key-in their ideas of how people interact with each other in different social settings, and making up a graph representing all the collected knowledge. It would probably be different from commonsense in many aspects, since the data is more dependent on the situations, but I think it would be pretty similar. It is also more difficult to illlustrate that this idea is correct through applications, since it's more into the real life, and more into the physical space that we live in. But in order to reach the holy grail of making people's lives truly easier with the aim of technologies, I think we should give it a try.


At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


不好意思 , 今天才檢查hotmail

"相對於自然科學的統一性與普遍性, 符號學從人的角度出發,顯得含混而分歧, 但也因此,符號學比自然科學多了物質以外的精神層面, 離開了物質, 還有社會文化所具有的心理性 , 價值性, 社會性… 開展出各種意識哲學, 歷史哲學,行為科學, 認知科學, 以及種種藝術,文學..等活動, 這些就不是科學所能涵蓋的範圍, 而符號學的探討,顯然就屬於這方面"
"Researchers in various areas have tried to make the systems even closer to 'how we people think and even feel about things'...."

"it is important to the home appliances to apply the knowledge about how people think of..."
"Commonsense, on the other hand, is more on the phenomona of how things generally appear,...."
所以問題又繞回來, how people think of? how people feel? how people discribe the world he think ?
其實在符號學中, 過去的大師們也不得不承認, 他們的探索僅止於某個範圍, 而且他們並沒有真正的去徹底拆解一種語言或系統, 或是試圖建立一個普遍性的通則,所以"feel" " phenomona"還是像一團霧一樣,"明明在眼前,卻又抓不到"

(索緒爾,Jonathan Culler著),
因此對於顏色這個體系而言,棕色的存在源自於他與其他顏色的相對性,相對於紅色,藍色,綠色,因此它叫做棕色; 同理可知,紅色也因為其他顏色而稱為紅色,
再進一步我們就能理解, 今天我學習到什麼是 "棕色",乃是來自於我對其他紅色,藍色,綠色作為一個體系來一同認知,因此我才能理解到什麼是"棕色".

"I would say social sense is like one of the sides of a triangle, and commonsense computing and affective computing are the other two."
因此我如果要這樣區分法,social sense應該是首要的課題,話又繞回來了,就是sense,就是feel,那個似乎存在卻又抓不到的東西.

It is also more difficult to illlustrate that this idea is correct through applications, since it's more into the real life, and more into the physical space that we live in.
But in order to reach the holy grail of making people's lives truly easier with the aim of technologies, I think we should give it a try.

oh,holy grail..."達文西密碼"裡對這東西可著墨很多呢! 不過到最後還是沒說出他的下落 ... 所以,大家繼續討論羅...


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