我把fashion的這篇 paper丟出去以後寄給Henry
然後他回信跟我說 think about AAAI (另外一個會議)
結果想著想著 沒想到就又想出一個新點子
果然 是需要老師逼一下才會有productivity
這次要講的是 commonsense reasoning將改變人類的網路消費方式
Toward Concept-Oriented Shopping
The World Wide Web (WWW) is the largest collection of both consumers and products on earth today. By browsing, keyword searching, and collaborative filtering-based recommendation, customers are able to find their desired products on the web. However, these approaches are limited to users with clear, specific clues about what they are looking for. In this paper, we envision a new shopping scenario, namely, concept-oriented shopping. With the incorporation of commonsense reasoning, users will be able to find their products using natrual laguage description, even if it is vague and indistinct. Concept-oriented shopping has the following benefits: a) It allows users to find the "first example" for collaborative filtering-based recommendation in today's websites, b) it breaks down the boundaries among products' categories, c) it supports cross-domain products recommendation, d) it shifts shopping from a store-centered to a customer-centered activity, and e) it fosters individual brands with low marketing budgets by matching them with their target customers. We explain our perspective with an online fashion recommendation system, with which we wish to pursue a more intuitive, user-friendly shopping experience in the future.
現在想想跟著Henry真好 我可以天馬行空亂想
software agent這個group name雖然老 題目也夠大
像個超大遊樂場 隨便我亂搞
手稿裡頭塗塗寫寫的 都是在數位時代、Ppaper裡頭看到的東西
沒想到這些原來都是寫research paper的養分
所以說創作 不管是什麼樣的創作
拍電影 寫歌 演戲 寫小說 還是寫paper